Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Koda's 1st HARADE & RADEO (aka Parade & Rodeo)

Last Saturday was a big day for Koda. His first Post Rodeo & Parade! He had blast as Uncle Doug pulled up in front of our "new" house and picked him up in a REAL fire truck. He rode the fire truck in the parade and was so disappointed when they got done. Then he got to watch over two hours of cowboys & cowgirls, horses, bulls and SHEEP! Cousin Haddie got 2nd in the Mutton Bustin' and Koda has decided that he wants to try it. We'll see about next year! He kept telling me "One more horse and then it's MY turn!" Oh BOY!! It was nice to have some time as a family and finally be together after almost two years of Craig traveling and not knowing a real schedule. Thank you Lord for always answering prayers, even if its not in OUR time!

1 comment:

The Louders said...

How much fun! Wish I coulda been there to watch. I love those advantages of living in a small town!