Friday, August 15, 2008

A First "Date"

Koda & Alyssa were born two days apart and have become big buddies. Their daddies are on a deer lease together and their mommies have had a blast following them (daddies & kiddos) around to hog hunts, lake trips, etc. Melissa & I had planned a while back to take Koda & Alyssa to the Backyardigans Live (the Backyardigans is Koda's favorite cartoon & second to Dora in Alyssa's book!). Poor Melissa ended up having surgery on Monday, so I decided that I could handle the two of them by myself. We did great and it was definitely preparation for my future of being a mother of two. Here's a few pics of Koda & Alyssa's 1st date...chaperoned of course! They wouldn't let me take my camera into the show but we got a few cute ones before & after.

Hope you feel better Missy!!

1 comment:

The Louders said...

Gosh, could they be any cuter?! These pics are priceless and great photography! Who was the photographer? :)